Way Up in Telluride

Way Up in Telluride

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Desperate Landscaping

While eating breakfast this morning, I was immediately struck by yet another piece of exquisite journalism on NBC's Today Show. Check out this clip on "Desperate Landscaping"-- an interesting representation of suburban toxicity and destruction:

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  1. Very interesting and informative clip about...destruction.Good examples. I'm glad that we can bring in some contemporary and real life deals into the discourse.

  2. I watched it. I see what you are saying in the last example when he says "too natural" and gets out the chainsaw. 20 years ago he would have cut down the sample tree! Hey that's progess;}>

  3. Even the title "Desperate Landscape" gets to me for some reason... maybe because it's really not the landscape that's desperate, but the people who have failed to tailor it to the suburban pastoral? I dunno, I just kept snorting and rolling my eyes a lot when I was watching.
